I need help translating a sentence of English into Italian.? - il vicino pizza
"Antonia was living with her husband, Massimo, near his mother and his niece, Nora, in Rome."
This is what I have:
Antonia vissuto with Massimo marito e il suo vicino a sua nipote mother and Nora in Rome. "
Il suo Someone told me wrong, but I do not know what to change a. suggestions?
Antonia vissuto Massimo marito sia con il vicino a sua che a sua nipote mother Nora in Rome. "
Nora is a feminine noun, if it does not suo SUA
Y = .... and che non sia ... e. .. e
Antonia vissuto with Massimo marito e il suo vicino a sua and nipote mother, Nora, in Rome. "
sounds pretty good.
Antonia vissuto () screwed with Massimo suo marito e vicino a sua Mamma e sua mother, Nora, in Rome.
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